NGLVieweR can be used to visualize and interact with Protein Data Bank (PDB) and structural files in R and Shiny applications. It includes a set of API functions to manipulate the viewer after creation in Shiny.

NGLVieweR(data, format = NULL, width = NULL, height = NULL, elementId = NULL)



PDB file or PDB entry code


Input format (.mmcif, .cif, .mcif, .pdb, .ent, .pqr, .gro, .sdf, .sd, .mol2, .mmtf). Needed when no file extension is provided.

width, height

Must be a valid CSS unit (like '100%', '400px', 'auto') or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have 'px' appended.


optional element Id



htmlwidgets object.


The package is based on the NGL.js JavaScript library. To see the full set of features please read the official manual of NGL.js.

See also


# Example 1: Most Basic
NGLVieweR("7CID") %>%
 addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list(name = "cartoon", colorScheme="residueindex"))
# Example 2: Advanced NGLVieweR("7CID") %>% stageParameters(backgroundColor = "white") %>% setQuality("high") %>% setSpin(FALSE) %>% addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list( name = "cartoon", colorScheme = "residueindex" ) ) %>% addRepresentation("ball+stick", param = list( name = "ball+stick", colorValue = "red", colorScheme = "element", sele = "200" ) ) %>% addRepresentation("label", param = list( name = "label", sele = "200:A.O", showBackground = TRUE, backgroundColor = "black", backgroundMargin = 2, backgroundOpacity = 0.5, showBorder = TRUE, colorValue = "white" ) ) %>% addRepresentation("surface", param = list( name = "surface", colorValue = "white", opacity = 0.1 ) ) %>% zoomMove("200", "200", 2000, -20)
#---------------------Using Shiny------------------------- # App 1: Basic Example if (interactive()) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage(NGLVieweROutput("structure")) server <- function(input, output) { output$structure <- renderNGLVieweR({ NGLVieweR("7CID") %>% addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list( name = "cartoon", colorScheme = "residueindex" ) ) %>% addRepresentation("ball+stick", param = list( name = "cartoon", sele = "1-20", colorScheme = "element" ) ) %>% stageParameters(backgroundColor = "black") %>% setQuality("high") %>% setFocus(0) %>% setSpin(TRUE) }) } shinyApp(ui, server) } # App 2: Example with API calls if (interactive()) { library(shiny) ui <- fluidPage( titlePanel("Viewer with API inputs"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( textInput("selection", "Selection", "1-20"), selectInput("type", "Type", c("ball+stick", "cartoon", "backbone")), selectInput("color", "Color", c("orange", "grey", "white")), actionButton("add", "Add"), actionButton("remove", "Remove") ), mainPanel( NGLVieweROutput("structure") ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { output$structure <- renderNGLVieweR({ NGLVieweR("7CID") %>% addRepresentation("cartoon", param = list(name = "cartoon", colorScheme = "residueindex") ) %>% stageParameters(backgroundColor = input$backgroundColor) %>% setQuality("high") %>% setFocus(0) %>% setSpin(TRUE) }) observeEvent(input$add, { NGLVieweR_proxy("structure") %>% addSelection(isolate(input$type), param = list( name = "sel1", sele = isolate(input$selection), colorValue = isolate(input$color) ) ) }) observeEvent(input$remove, { NGLVieweR_proxy("structure") %>% removeSelection("sel1") }) } shinyApp(ui, server) }