This function configures the legend for a gene chart. It allows toggling the legend's visibility, setting a background color, and assigning custom labels for the legend entries. The function can also handle additional customizations through various options.
- GC_chart
The gene chart object to be modified.
- group
Optional; character or NULL, specifies the groups to include in the legend. If NULL, groups are taken from the 'group' attribute of the 'GC_chart' object.
- show
Logical, specifies whether to display the legend.
- backgroundColor
String, the background color of the legend.
- order
Optional; list, specifies the order of the legend labels.
- position
Character. Position of the legend, either "top" or "bottom". Default is "bottom".
- style
A list of CSS styles to be applied to the chart container. Each element of the list should be a valid CSS property-value pair. For example, list(backgroundColor = "white", border = "2px solid black"). Default is an empty list.
- legendOptions
List, additional options for the legend.
- legendTextOptions
List, additional text options for the legend.
- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to the legend configuration.
genes_data <- data.frame(
start = c(10, 90, 130, 170, 210),
end = c(40, 120, 160, 200, 240),
name = c('Gene 1', 'Gene 3', 'Gene 4', 'Gene 5', 'Gene 6'),
group = c('A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'C'),
cluster = c('A', 'A', 'A', 'B', 'B')
# Customize legend
GC_chart(genes_data, cluster = "cluster", group = "group", height = "200px") %>%
position = "top", #bottom
orientation = "horizontal", #vertical
x = 0,
y = 0,
adjustHeight = TRUE,
backgroundColor = "#0000",
order = list(),
style = list(
backgroundColor = "#0000"
# Any other CSS styles
legendOptions = list(
cursor = "pointer",
colorScheme = NULL,
customColors = NULL # c("red", "green", "orange")
# Additional styles
legendTextOptions = list(
cursor = "pointer",
textAnchor = "start",
dy = ".35em",
fontSize = "12px",
fontFamily = "sans-serif",
fill = "black"
# Additional styles